New product promises instant “singaw” pain relief
Getting a child to eat right and have proper nutrition can be a very challenging task for parents. Parents often have to deal with a child’s hyperactivity, pickiness when it comes to food choices, compete with their favorite cartoon’s tv schedule etc. Although smart advice on how to deal with this common parental issue abound, there are other often overlooked issues that makes the task of getting the child to eat right even harder. Take canker sores for instance.
Canker sores or singaw is a type of ulceration inside the mouth characterized by an open sore accompanied by moderate to severe pain depending on the size of the ulceration. The exact cause of singaw is not exactly known but physical trauma, stress, lack of sleep, sudden weight loss, food allergies, immune system reactions, and deficiencies in vitamin B12, iron, and folic acid may contribute to its development.
Studies show that canker sores or singaw afflicts more women and children than men. The pain that accompanies canker sores can sometimes be unbearable even for adults. Eating aggravates the pain as small food debris, seasonings and spices get lodged in the sore. In this instance, a child can’t really be blamed for refusing to eat and as canker sores normally last for days, it is a bit disconcerting to think that a child may not be able to eat properly until the painful sore heals.
Canker sores, unfortunately has no direct cure yet. Most over the counter singaw treatments offer only partial relief and some of them are even painful to apply. While home remedies for singaw may offer temporary relief, others may even worsen the pain of the canker sore.
A lesser known canker sore treatment has recently hit the Philippine market with the promise of instant relief from the discomfort that the canker sore brings. The pain in the singaw stems from the swelling surrounding the open wound.
Triamcinolone acetonide is a class of corticosteroid and is now currently marketed in the country as a canker sore pain relief and treatment gel. Sold under the brand name Oramedy Alis-Singaw, triamcinolone acetonide is applied directly to the open sore. Relief from pain is almost instant as corticosteroids are very effective in reducing tissue inflammation.
Oramedy Alis-Singaw is relatively safe to use and may be applied even to toddlers with canker sores as young as 8 months old. With Oramedy Alis-Singaw, parents all over no longer need to fret whenever their child complains of having singaw.
Oramedy Alis-Singaw is available in Mercury Drug, Watsons and other leading drugstores nationwide. For comments, inquiries and suggestions, please call the Oramedy Alis-Singaw hotline at 09178005836 or visit the website at